i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Lurve: Yup, waiting for my new clinique concealer!
It's not drying, very creamy, but seriously,
I love the ZA concealer.
I tried my friend's and i think it's really good eh.
My auntie: You all lah! Never ask me out one. Pouts.
Wheeeen? let's go next weds? omg. We're old already. sobs.
Brandon: Hello pretty bitch, Will link you soon alright!
Passerby: Erm, hahahas how do i say this.
My mum has big boobs, so it's a gene thing yeah?
Min: Hahahs, no need to get so envious about it dear!
if there's happiness, i can ensure you there were
enough unhappiness to even things out.
Anon7990: Hey babe, I'm using GIMP,
you can download it from
Anon9913: Hahahas, what's what?
thanks! :D
Hih: Hey babe, I'm using GIMP,
you can download it from
Anon2624: I did credit the blogskin person if you realize,
So i didnt "ripped off" anything yah?
I'm sure i'm allowed to edit my pictures into whatever i want right?
not like, i actually removed her credits or whatever.
Passerby: Hahahas, are you serious?
Is it North Vista secondary?
Bobo: Hahahahs, poor MAC!
But it must've been damn hilarious lah,
Break the teenie weenie chair!
David Santos: Thanks for your compliment! (:
Audrey: Hahahs, hello babe!
I saw some of your shoots too, so preeeeetty!
PP: Thanks for your compliment dear! :x
Bla3: Hahahs, bla3 as in bla bla bla?
I'm chinese luh! lots of my classmates
mistake me as mixed blood or whatever =/
Hi:): Hey babe, TheBlackSequin send it to me as a gift!
It's very pretty right? :D
I love it too!
Chris: Hahahahs, i don't always emo one ok!
Oooo, ok i know.
I finally blogged about CommunicAsia,
Have dragged it for so long. Whoops.
Boyf back in singapore, very busy lar!
Would like to thank Gavin Foo, Sabrina (aka princessa)
for inviting me to the LG & Yahoo! blogger's event at CommunicAsia.
I had a greeeeat time!

Fidelis, theluckiestchick. Woot!
I was late for 20 mins, and i was instructed to look out
for an indian man with alot of huge LG bags,
But i walked from hall 4 to hall 6, hall 6 down to hall 4 again,
and i just cannot find him, there was alot of people loh!
See, wear contact lenses still cock eye one.
Anyway, this indian man suddenly hopped infront of me
Indian man from LG: " hello, are you one of our invited blogger?"
Me :" Oh yes! how did you know i'm a blogger?"
Indian man from LG: " Oh, you got the blogger face."
Me: " What's a blogger face? -.- "
Anyway, Gavin led a very lost me to the LG booth.
Which is hardly a "booth", It's huge compared to the other brands!
We were led to the "blogger's corner" at the 2nd level of the LG booth
and served very sour lemonade, candies etc.

After waiting for more bloggers to arrive,
I was busy chit-chatting with Nadnut,
and met some other bloggers i've nvr met before!
And after more bloggers arrived, The LG PR manager,
A pretty korean lady, gave us a tour around the booth and
showed us some of the newest phone additions of LG.

She was like stunned for afew seconds when she picked up
the LG secret, and we bloggers started to snap her
with our digi cams like nobody's business.
she must be thinking:
She showed us some interesting games the phone has,
there's this dart game, seems damn fun!

While everyone was busying shooting the models at the LG viewty corner,
we were like, hey issac! shoot for us shoot for us!
And after like 3 failed attempts, we finaaaaally got a good picture!

very big, until go where also keep banging into people/kena stuck
here kena stuck there by the big fat bag. -.-
Whoops, kena caught camwhoring!

we were like camwhoring while LG was having the dance item.
I didnt have any pictures of the dancers cos i was standing
too far away to take any good pictures!
Esther , Issac, Peggy and me we busy bitching at the back of the crowd!
Princessa & theluckiestchick! Hahahahs!
Then we were whoooped of the the Yahoo! booth,
And we were greeted with goodie bags from Yahoo!

Cool new widgets from Yahoo! that you can download
into your blackberry!
And Yahoo! brought the Ice Cream Chefs to CommunicAsia!

And peggy was like damn funny,
One min she was making all sorts of stupid comments
cos there's no more milo ice cream or sth,
Then next moment she was like, ahhhh shit lar! My heel broke!
Aldo heel wear two times the heel break?!

brought her a pair of flats to "save her"!

This enormous phone is actually working!
Like, it slides up and down, turn afew rounds and
play introductory videos of the LG secret phone!
So cute, we were like, taking turns to pose with the phoneeee.
whoops, i stole some pictures from Sheylara!

It was such a fun filled event! Too bad jessica couldn't come. ):
She was sick, sigh!
We had lunch at the hongkong restaurant after the event ended at 5plus?

And where does the unwanted green capsicum goes?
.... the issac's bowl!

We're so mean, hehehe.
And of cos there's goodie bags right!
We got a yahoo bag, notepad, press release info folder, a cute pen.

Hehehe, ok, shall end here now.
You guys HAVE to watch these, Boyf showed me the links and..
i was so nervous for them while they do their thing!
Boyf brought some really nice goft back from taiwan for me!
My birthday present. :D
Next post next post!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
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